Is Your Retirement Killing You? Posted on March 9, 2018March 9, 2018 by Peter Meadows Your retirement may be killing you. Here’s a survival plan. You would expect the end of full-time work would bring a guarantee of inner health and happiness. That saying ‘goodbye’ to the daily grind could only be a positive experience. If only. Instead, large numbers entering the joys of ‘after work’ find themselves unwell either physically or emotionally. The reason is stress. And stress can be a killer. Yet isn’t stress what we think we’ve escaped from? No longer being driven to do more with less, bombarded with constant information, while surrounded with life’s constant pressures. Yet the very act of moving from work to after-work – with all the changes involved – can be a major stress inducer. And the outcome for too many is an increase of everything from high blood pressure to heart disease, panic attacks to depression. What is stress? A useful definition of ‘stress’ is – ‘The changes that take place in your body and mind when a demand seems greater than your ability to cope’. At the centre is what’s known as ‘fight or flight’. Faced with such a challenge, our bodies automatically spring into action. Muscles tense, the heart pumps blood to where it is more useful, and a wide range of hormones shoot into the bloodstream to give the added energy, strength and resources that may be needed. Of itself, that’s good news. The bad news – when stress becomes distress – is when there is a constant stream of perceived threats to our wellbeing. And the result is an overload of reaction to ‘fight of flight’. Believe it or not, this is what entering the world or retirement can do to some of us. Something that can lead to both physical and emotional illness. Retirement and stress Research shows the more ‘life-changes’ we have during a short period of time, the more likely stress will take its toll. Such life-changes include the bad – like the death of a loved one, divorce and financial difficulties. And the good – like marriage, a child leaving home and taking a holiday. Up there with the rest of them is ‘retirement’. That’s because this major, and mostly welcome and happy, event presents a large number of threats to our perceived ability to cope. The familiar has gone – replaced with the arrival of new routines, relationships and experiences. Together with the loss of many of those we enjoyed in the past. All inducing stress. More than that, retirement can create a very real sense of bereavement. The associated loss/death of purpose, friendships, routine, and reward can have an impact much like the death of someone we love. In fact, though the impact of retirement may not be as great as being made redundant, it can come close. And if other life-change events are happening around it – children getting married, having babies, ill health, downsizing, etc – the life-changes are multiplied – and so is their impact. How will you know you are a victim? The symptoms of stress can be physical, emotional and behavioural. A few examples are – Physical: Indigestion/heartburn, waking up tired, racing heartbeat, chronic constipation or diarrhoea, persistent headaches. Emotional/mental: Feelings of futility or low self-worth, ‘blue’ moods, unreasonable fears, panic attacks, forgetfulness or confusion. Behavioural: Insomnia, avoiding people, irritability, loss of sense of humour, irrational anger, difficulty in making decisions, misuse of alcohol/coffee, lack of concentration. What can you do to fight back? First, own up to stress as being an issue – either potentially or at the moment. Then pick from these few simple ideas and also check out health sites on the internet for a more comprehensive suggestions. To keep stress at bay Eat a well-balanced diet Exercise regularly Establish sensible sleep habits. Do something enjoyable on a regular basis Take time to be still each day To combat stress when it comes Do all the above, plus – Practise deep relaxation Watch TV that makes you laugh Listen to music Reduce clutter Don’t let decisions hang over you Don’t go it alone but be honest with those close to you Finally, if things don’t get better, seek medical advice – and take it. Peter Meadows Peter uses his retirement to help churches, resource inter-church initiatives, enjoy his eight grandchildren, escape to Spain and spend his kids’ inheritance. For more wisdom, ideas, and resources for your after-work life go to
Thanks Peter ! Sound advice. Of course, there is a spiritual dimension as you obviously know ! Pity “Buzz Magazine ” is no longer published. I loved it in the 1960′, or was it in early 1970’s ? It would bring a smile to my face! Laughter is “God given” and so important to reduce stress. Cheers ! Michael Gunn-Smith Reply
Thanks for your kind words Michael and for your wisdom. Indeed, to laugh a lot is some of the best advice. Reply
As a retired GP I think your above comments while apposite may be missing an important medical statistic. That is that the months immediately following retirement have a higher than average number of deaths. Th reasons for this are not yet apparent, but there is the suggestion that retiring from a full time job into a void of retirement is not healthy. Planning your retirement so that you can do part time for some months/years and ensuring that when you reach retirement you have already planned some of the things you think God may be calling you to. Hope this helps some, and I am happy to engage in discussions. Reply
Thanks Jeremy and a frightening truth. We cover this on other pages of the website and will keep on making a noise about it. Great to have your wise input. Reply
I retired from a full time job in HE that had grown increasingly burdensome and stressful last September and have now got a couple of part time jobs in the same field of work, but doing less overall and only the parts that I enjoy. I have found this a good way to wind down, whilst still using my skills and experience. Reply
I personally believe that it is important to understand that humans are composed of Body,Mind & Soul. Most people do not “feed” all three composites. Christians are particularly bad at this,striving to be “busy” for God, but overlooking the fact that God made is for recreation too! Why do Christians have to be so busy on a Sunday ? I see exhausted people and neglected families. God doesn’t actually need us to enlarge The Kingdom but he offers us the opportunity to assist ! He cannot use people if they stress themselves out. Discuss ! Reply